The folks who run the pantry say that at its peak sometimes, there can be anywhere between 100 and 200 deer who come to feed along with dozens of wild turkeys.
I started to worry a bit. I didn't want to hurt the bees by running the A/C unit. I wasn't sure if they were building a little bee habitat inside of there.
A passerby spotted the animal on the lamb (Can we call it that if it's a Llama?) and phoned the Bangor PD, who then sent word out to Bangor's Animal Control Officer.
State Wildlife safety experts say that if you do find yourself face-to-face with one of these majestic mammals, there are some things you'll want to remember.
I have always wanted to learn more about animal tracks....for educational (and survival) purposes, and now thanks to our friends at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, I can! The department posted a handy-dandy Animal Track Guide.