How Many National Pie Days Are There Every Year?
Actually three. And who is hoping today is one of them?
Who doesn’t love pie.
First for the math nerds PI Day is coming up March 14th, but that is another topic for another day.

We are talking pie day. As in P.I.E.
And for some unknown reason there are two National Pie Days we observe. We had one last month, and we have one today.
The American Pie Council, (who knew there was such an organization), says yes two pie days each year, because we need to enjoy one of our favorite desserts guilt free more than once a year.
You have to eat pie. It’s a National Holiday.
January 23rd, and December 1st.
Why argue. Go along for the ride. From the Chevy to the Levi, Bye Bye Miss American Pie. Thank you Maine resident Don McLean.
Loving pie is as American as, well, apple pie.
America’s favorite pie, and also Maine’s favorite pie. Really?
How about Whoopie Pie
Or the best blueberry pie in America – which comes from Maine. Obviously.
Maybe we should have a pie day in each of the 4 seasons, and in the fall maybe one of these would be the favorite
Pumpkin and Pecan pie for Thanksgiving. Something to be thankful for.
When the Puritans and other English settlers fled for the New World, they took pie with them. For that we should be thankful too.
Can she bake a cherry pie, Billy Boy.
Today for the main course, how about a chicken pie, or a pizza pie
And a slice of your favorite fruit pie for dessert.
Enjoy National Pie Day.
Hold it.
To represent all the great pie flavors that didn't get mentioned, she is making lemon meringue pie.
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The 2022 Maine Whoopie Pie Festival
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