Veterans who have served and have been honorably discharged are eligible to receive free, life-time passes to both Maine state parks and historic sites.

veterans day

Maine is the home of some 48 parks and historic sites and veterans can use the free, life-time pass at anytime. Most of the parks have certain programs open during the winter season.

"We are honored to be able to offer this small token of our gratitude to Maine veterans in recognition of their outstanding service to this country," said Commissioner Walter Whitcomb of the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, which oversees Maine state parks and historic sites. "We are very proud and thankful for all that our veterans have contributed to the security and freedom of our country."

Veterans can apply for the pass on the Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management website. The pass, however, is not valid for the following locations:

  • Acadia National Park
  • Baxter State Park
  • Allagash Wilderness Waterway
  • Penobscot River Corridor
  • Penobscot Narrows Observatory
  • Maine Wildlife Park

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