Maine ranks in the top three states for its animal protection laws, according to a report from the Animal Legal Defense Fund.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy and kitten together

The report examines the strength and comprehensiveness of animal protection laws in all 50 states.

"Maine allows protective orders in domestic-violence cases to include animals, which is really so crucial for both the human and animal victims in those situations to get out of the situation of abuse, " said attorney Lora Dunn, co-author of the report.

Studies have shown a link between people who abuse animals and those who abuse people. Dunn says domestic violence offenders often manipulate human victims by threatening harm to their animals.

Dunn says Maine is ahead of many states in what it requires of local veterinarians when they see evidence of abuse. Maine law requires veterinarians to report any suspected animal cruelty to law enforcement.

The 2015 U.S. Animal Protection Law Rankings is available at

Via Maine News Service

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