Maine Dept Of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Announce Moose Lottery
The Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has announced where and when the drawing for Maine's moose permit lottery will be located.
According to their press release, the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has scheduled the drawing for Maine’s moose permit lottery for Saturday, June 9, at 2:00 p.m. at the historic Skowhegan Fairgrounds in Skowhegan, Maine and hosted by Main Street Skowhegan, as part of their weekend-long Moose Festival.
The Skowhegan Moose Festival kicks off on Friday, June 8 with events scheduled for the entire weekend, including a moose calling contest, a wild game and craft brew pairing and a country music concert featuring Phil Vassar and Bryan White (ticket required).
Additionally, there will be several vendors, food trucks, and fun activities for the whole family throughout the entire weekend.
See their full schedule here
The moose permit lottery drawing will commence at 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 9.
There is no charge to attend the lottery event at the Skowhegan Moose Festival and the reading of names is expected to last 3 hours.
This year, 2,500 names will be drawn in the random chance lottery from a pool of over 54,000 applicants.
For more information on moose hunting in Maine, visit
For more information about the Skowhegan Moose Festival and to see a full schedule of events, visit