Happy International Kissing Day! I thought I would take a second and share some ways to improve your kiss. Make sure to take notes- there will be a quiz...

International Kissing Day
Flickr/Dima Bushkov


  1. Wash that mouth! No one likes a dirty mouth, clean it up!
  2. You don't want to come off as though you're going to eat their face so close your mouth when you go in for the kill.
  3. Where are your hands? In your pockets? That's weird- don't do that. Hug the person you're kissing. Or my favorite is to run your fingers through their hair ;)
  4. Ready to step-it-up and kiss like the French. Don't just pour your tongue in their mouth like a jar of jelly. Slowly make your way to tonguing-ville by knocking on the door to see if they answer. Nobody home? Better luck next time.
  5. Are you still breathing? If for some reason you're like me and forget to breath- you'll pass out- trust me. Control your breathing and remember not to pant- that's just weird.
  6. Have you overstayed your welcome? Have they stopped kissing and you're still going at it? Make sure you're partner is still willing. If they're only expecting a small peck- don't bother making a trip to tonguing-ville...

Happy International Kissing Day! Remember to kiss us- I mean like us on Facebook!

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