Hey Presque Isle – This is how you recycle your trash
In most towns in the area, you will see those big igloo dumpsters for the community to use to recycle their garbage. On a recent trip into town to unload some cardboard, I noticed there was a mailbox setup near the dumpsters. I don't know about you but I like receiving my mail at home, not where I take my garbage.
As restrictions loosen many people are getting rid of trash and other items. Some of this is because of yearly spring cleaning, but others have not left the house for the entirety of the pandemic. If your house is like mine, after a day of sitting at home there still seems to be a large amount of garbage.
It's important we don't forget how to properly reduce, reuse, and recycle. The knowledgeable people at Aroostook Waste Solutions provided everyone with a reminder of where particular items belong when recycling. Looking into the mailbox I found a simple one sheet reminder of where to place my items. Let's take a quick look at where you need to be putting your garbage.
If you find yourself questioning where a particular item may go or how to properly recycle the item, you are encouraged to call your local waste management service. A lot of your questions can be answered by going the people at Aroostook Waste Solutions. The website is a great resource and these folks are the ones who have provided the community with the flyers.