Fake $1 Bill Found at Town Office in Bucksport, Maine
A bogus one-dollar bill found in cash receipts at the Bucksport Town Office Monday night may have been an isolated occurrence, considering no one is going to get rich quick passing them out.
Town officials on Tuesday posted a photo of the bill, which clearly reads “Motion Picture Use” at the top.
Clerks were counting cash received Monday at the town office and at the Bucksport transfer station, which included a significant number of one-dollar bills, when they spotted the fake. They said it’s not possible to determine where the phony bill came from, but the town wanted to alert local businesses in case any more of them show up.
“Although most places check bills from $20 on up — it appears that close scrutiny is now needed for ones as well,” the town wrote on social media.
Bucksport police are investigating. Town officials ask anyone who receives a fake or counterfeit bill to report it to authorities.
The bill is technically not a counterfeit since it was not made with the intent to deceive or defraud. Fake money is readily available for use as movie or play production props, game money, play money, teaching aids and a variety of other purposes.
More examples of movie prop money:
Also, don’t be fooled if you find one of these in circulation.
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