Snowmobiling really is an expensive sport. There are many expenses to consider before you make the plunge in to being a snowmobile owner.


You’ve got to think about gear: boots, ski pants, warm winter jacket, gloves, neck warmer, and helmet. Then there is the maintenance to you snowmobile. You should have it serviced each year, meaning cleaning the carburetors, changing the oil and belts, etc. Then you need to think about the cost of registering it each year. And then there is the gas… oh the gas!

Some snowmobiles are easier on gas than other, especially if you have a 4 stroke. If you’re like me and still riding the old school 2 stroke, then your snowmobile is harder on gas.

For some riders, the price of gas to fill your sled might deter you. But for avid riders, that’s just part of the package.

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