Despite The Zombie Fungus, Browntail Moth Caterpillars Are Still Out There
This time last year, experts were saying that the Spring of 2023 would be the worst season, so far, for the caterpillar everyone loves to hate: the Browntail Moth caterpillar (or BTMs.)
But this year, those in the know say the crop of pesky critters could be down in numbers, thanks to a freaky fungus.
Read More: Maine Browntail Caterpillars May Drop Some Due to 'Zombie' Fungus
While the numbers may not be expected to be as astronomical as they were last year, that doesn't mean there won't still be a need for folks in Eastern Maine to keep a sharp out for these itch-inducing insects.
Reports of caterpillar sightings have already started to come in from around the City of Bangor. The last one I saw was in the area of Fairmount Park.
City Officials have even brought back a handy map of where folks are seeing the bugs, right on the City website.
They've even got a place on the website where you can report the Browntail Moth Caterpillars you come across.
The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry says the main threat that Browntails can bring, is damage to the people around. According to
"Although browntail moth is a forest pest, and can cause mortality of host trees, the biggest impacts are on human health and economics. Exposure to irritating hairs can cause a wide range of symptoms, from mild to very severe."
Tyler McIntosh, who graduated from the University of Maine with a degree in Forestry, and is known locally as "The Tree Man", says while many communities, such as Bangor, have been actively working to eliminate as many Browntail nests, McIntosh says removing them from trees has become kind of an exercise in futility at this point.
"Some of the nests from the trees fall to the ground in the winter. So you can clip the ones in the trees, but the ones on the ground will also have some as well. And if you clip the nests out of your trees but your neighbor doesn't do it, as soon as the caterpillars come out, when they start moving about, they'll just migrate over to your tree and nothing's gonna stop them."
McIntosh says that a few tree service companies like the one he owns, McIntosh Forestry Services, have started to offer an injectible insecticide, which if put into Brown-tail moth host trees, will kill the pests for a season, but folks should act during the Spring to be able to make the most of the next few months.
"So we can do injections into the tree. It will take a few days to kick in. Any Brown-tail caterpillar feeding on that tree will die, and not be able to complete its life cycle in that tree."
The City of Bangor has a list of folks who are willing and licensed to do the applications McIntosh mentions.
"The State of Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry maintains a list of licensed applicators willing to treat BTM on their website, List of Licensed Pesticide Applicators Willing to Treat Browntail Moth and/or Hemlock Woolly Adelgid: Browntail Moth (Euproctis chrysorrhoea): Forest Health & Monitoring: Bureau of Forestry: Maine DACF."
The folks from the Bangor Parks and Rec Department have also identified some trees at area parks and playgrounds that will be treated with the injectable insecticides this year, including trees at Broadway Park, Coe Park, Davenport Park, Fairmount Park, Old Cemetery Park, and Talbot Park.
"The goal is to create a safe, healthy environment in areas where people gather and recreate. Residents should look at this the same way. Collectively, we will never clip enough nests or inject enough trees to eradicate BTM – regardless of the time, effort, or money is thrown at the problem. Your goal should be to make efforts to improve your situation."
Stay vigilant and do what you can to cut down on the BTMs in your area. Report them if you see them. If possible, remove and properly dispose of the nests.
If you need more information or resources, check with the experts here.
Good luck out there!
Here are some other insects you may want to be on the lookout for!
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