
Ballot Selfies: Is It Legal In Maine?
Ballot Selfies: Is It Legal In Maine?
Ballot Selfies: Is It Legal In Maine?
Selfies and Election Day, it was a combination just waiting to happen. Election Day 2016 is all the buzz with Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton and the selfie craze is still going strong. However, is it legal to take a selfie with your filled out ballot and to post it on social media? It depends what state you live in.
Take Our Presidential Poll
Take Our Presidential Poll
Take Our Presidential Poll
Election Day is Tuesday, November 8, 2016. We've heard the three Presidential debates and the one Vice Presidential debate. We've seen poll after poll, but let's get a snapshot of what out listeners think of the election.
Minimum Wage Increase
Minimum Wage Increase
Minimum Wage Increase
Election Day 2016 is just three weeks away and we've been taking a closer look at the five citizen initiative questions and one bond question that Mainers will be voting on. Today we take a closer look at Maine Ballot Question 4 'Maine Minimum Wage Increase' question.

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