Oh, Canada, indeed! Canadian singer Alexis Normand
forgot the words of “The Star-Spangled Banner” priorto the Memorial Cup junior hockey championships on Saturday in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. As the Halifax Mooseheads and Portland Winterhawks nervously waited for the opening face-off, Normand sang her way into infamy. Watch her horrifying rendition of the U.S. anthem in the video above. With its dense lyrics and implied pressure, the U.S. national anthem is not an easy song to sing, but Normand only got a few lines into the tune before flubbing the "through the perilous fight" line into something indiscernible and then uncomfortably stopping and stammering through to the end with the help of the crowd. She later took to Twitter to apologize for her actions:

his botched anthem, which still may be the gold standard.

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