Every year we hear of black bears getting close to homes. In Fryeburg, one big ol' black bear made him self quite comfy.

Brady Lloyd says that this Momma bear was hanging out by this tree relaxing. Well, not exactly relaxing.

Brady Lloyd
Brady Lloyd

What they didn't dare get closer to try and get a picture of, were the three cubs sleeping IN THE TREE!

I'd let them sleep too if a big ol' bear was just wanting her kids to play at his awesome park they found in Fryeburg!

Brady Lloyd
Brady Lloyd

It's 2020 - so seeing a bear in your backyard with three cubs sleeping in a tree is just like, yeah..so what. But still pretty cool and slightly scary.

There are things we all need to do to prevent an unwanted visit from a big black bear. Because mixing with humans usually doesn't end well for the bear.

So from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, here are the reminders to help keep these big bears out of your backyard.

  • Bring in your bird feeders, rake up and dispose of any seed left on the ground, and store unused seed inside. If you want to continue to feed birds in the spring and summer consider using an electrified mat.
  • Bring trash to the curb on the morning of trash pickup or use a certified bear resistant container.
  • Keep dumpster lids closed and do not allow dumpster to overflow. In areas experiencing bear problems consider storing dumpsters in a secure building or behind electric fencing.
  • Clean your grills and empty the grease cup after each use. Do not discard grease on the ground. Burn-off any food residue, clean blood and grease dripping, and discard food wrappers.

Bears are usually active from April to October...and then, well - they do what we do...hibernate!

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