Aroostook Agency On Aging Reminder About Medicare Open Enrollment
If you or someone you know is a Medicare beneficiary, then you'll want to remember that the open enrollment period is fast approaching.
The Aroostook Agency on Aging is reminding the public that the annual election period to apply for Medicare began on October 15th and will run through December 7th.
If you are needing to make any changes to your existing coverage, the agency will be providing assistance to agencies who will be helping to facilitate those changes.
Changes Medicare participants can make during the enrollment period include: switching to a Medicare Advantage Plan, also known as Part C, or if you're switching from an Advantage Plan back to original Medicare; switching from one Advantage Plan to a new one joining a Part D prescription drug plan; switching from one Part D plan to another, or even if you're doing nothing and staying with your current coverage.
Here are the dates and locations of clinics available to help you:
October 24- Eagle Lake
October 25- St. Agatha
October 26- Presque Isle
October 30- Grand Isle
November 1- Madawaska
November 2- Presque Isle
November 5- St. Agatha
November 6- Houlton
November 7- Fort Kent
November 8- Mars Hill
November 9- Presque Isle
November 13- Madawaska
November 14- Van Buren
November 16- Presque Isle
November 19- Fort Kent
November 20- Houlton
November 27- St. Agatha
November 30- Presque Isle
Please ensure that you bring your new Medicare card with you along with a list of current medication that you take.
For more information, please visit or you may call the Aroostook Agency on Aging at 764-3396.