Though we're hearing from different sources that take out and delivery is still available here is what we know from the press release from the City of Waterville.

City of Waterville, Maine Covid-19 Press Release
In accordance with guidance issued by the federal government, the city of Waterville is requiring bars and restaurants to close effective immediately with further guidance issued within 48 hours about operations moving forward.
Effective immediately city hall will be closed to the public. Essential public employees will continue to work, and we will evaluate how best to deliver necessary services to the public moving forward.
Essential city departments that will continue to operate include the police department, fire department, public works, and the airport although public access will be limited.
The city council will meet on Tuesday in order to update councilors on city planning moving forward, however we ask that only those with business at the meeting attend.
All public meetings have been canceled as we evaluate what meetings will be necessary moving forward, and how those meetings can be held in a way that preserves public health
The city will be revoking any public gathering permits for events to take place in the next 8 weeks.
The city has activated the emergency operations center at the fire department as a command center for the city’s Covid-19 Task Force.
Mayor Nick Isgro and Council Chair Erik Thomas will be acting as co-spokespeople for the task force in order to promptly communicate information to the public. The task force will be meeting daily.
The city is contemplating changes to city polices that would help preserve public health.
The city is in constant communication with local hospitals and is working to develop a contingency plan for coming public health needs.
The city is establishing lines of communication with local grocery stores, food banks, meal programs, and churches in order to ensure continuity of their services.
The city is working with the Mid-Maine Chamber in order to identify state and federal resources that may be available to mitigate the financial impact on local business.
This is a fluid situation, so the city is still identifying issues that will need to be addressed, and we will be communicating policy updates daily.
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