5 Ugly Christmas Sweaters To Avoid Wearing in the County [PHOTOS]
It's that time of year when it's not uncommon to see people shopping and wearing weird Christmas-themed clothing around town. Especially ugly Christmas sweaters!
If you're looking for a really ugly Christmas sweater, and even if you're not, the internet is a fine place to get an eyeful of the most god-awful Christmas sweaters out there.
And the sad part about it is that people actually wear this stuff!
Here are 5 ugly Christmas sweaters that you'd never want to be caught wearing publically in the County, or anywhere else for that matter, according to Twitter.
This has got to be one of the worst representations of any holiday I have ever seen. Who lied to this man and convinced him to wear this ugly Christmas sweater, with a 3-D visual aid, to boot.
There's a couple of reasons why I wouldn't wear this ugly sweater.
I must admit, there's more than one way to fire an AR-16, but wearing a sleeveless, ugly, Christmas sweater ain't one of them.
This has got to be the ugliest, tackiest, and non-sexy Christmas sweater I think I've ever seen.
I can't see the Iron Sheik doing the Camel-Clutch in one of these things. However, the girl in the photo seems pretty jazzed about it.
How about you? Do you have an ugly sweater? You know the drill! Feel free to share your ugliest Christmas sweater with us in the comments section below.