2015 Fall Foliage Report – October 7
The leaves in northern Maine will be moving towards peak conditions this upcoming Columbus Day weekend according to the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry.
“Peak color (85 percent) is spreading throughout the northern region (Zones 6 and 7) with low leaf drop, but forest rangers are still reporting low to moderate color (30 percent to 50 percent) throughout the rest of the state. While we are seeing a lot of color along the I-295 corridor in Zones 1 and 3, there is still a lot of green in the upper elevations and in the forest canopies along the highways and byways,” noted Gale Ross, fall foliage coordinator. “This is a spectacular weekend to get out and enjoy the varying contrasts of the reds, oranges, yellows and purples mingled in with the greens of the oak trees.”
For more information about fall activities and events in Maine, go to www.visitmaine.com.
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