U.S. Marine Reserve Toys For Tots Poker Run Aug 20 In The County
It's no longer July, but it's that time when the U.S. Marine Reserves are gearing up for their Toys for Tots campaign in December. The poker run will be a good kick off.
Toys for Tots all began in 1947, when the wife of Major Bill Hendricks had fabricated a homemade Raggedy Ann doll to give to a needy child, but couldn't find an organization to do it.
Upon the suggestion of his wife Diane, Major Hendricks got a bunch of local Marine Reservists together to collect toys for needy kids. And collect they did. They gathered about 5,000 toys for local kids that year.
The campaign was so successful that by 1948 Toys for Tots became a national campaign.
They commissioned Walt Disney to design the Toys for Tots train, which is still used today and they have been collecting toys for needy kids ever since.
On Aug 20, 2017, beginning at the Sinclair Oat Landing, a U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Poker Run will take place to raise money for the Toys for Tots campaign.
The cost is $10 per person and $5 to register. The run begins at 8 a.m. and is scheduled to end around noon.
The Poker Run will end at the boat landing and winners will be announced at 4 p.m. with a BBQ and cash prizes following.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in this great event to help local children have a wonderful Christmas this year.
For more information, please contact Rudy St. Peter at 834-3504.