I think I can, I think I can. I just have to make it through today and I will be on vacation for 9 whole days!

Jolene Wallace
Jolene Wallace

What are my plans for vacation? Simple really… Do as little as possible and enjoy time with my family. This week’s Top 5 is geared toward getting me in vacation mode. I’ll be heading off camping with my family and friends for the week and these are the Top 5 things I plan on do. Here goes…

Go fishing. This will be an easy and relaxing task, so long as the girls out-fish the guys!

Enjoy late nights relaxing by the fire. We often don’t take time to enjoy the simple things in life and to really slow down and let things come as they are.

Eat lots of bad-for-me-food. You only live once, why not indulgence once in a while?

Enjoy my kid and hubby. We’re always on the go. I want to slow things down and just chill out with my favorite people for a bit.

Watch the sun come up/ go down. I do my best thinking when I’m enjoying the scenery. It’s good for the soul!

That’s concludes this week’s Top 5. What are your plans for vacation?

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