Three Local Teens Making Their Own Way In Job Market
We are all well aware that the job market at the moment is a job hunters paradise. The government is providing incentives to get back to work and many businesses are digging deep into their pockets to find the employees they need. However, many employers are struggling to overcome the extended unemployment benefits as the program that was initiated to provide temporary relief during the pandemic, has become too sweet of a deal for the unemployed.
We do a lot of "things” the right way in northern Maine, and getting up to go to work is one of those “things” we take great pride in. Grinding out the day-to-day and leading by example is how the work ethic we are known for has been passed on for multiple generations. I have seen and heard many comments about the future of our area and that the youth today are just lazy. Let me show you three area teenagers who are giving me hope that the future is going to be just fine.
Let's meet them:
Logan Deschaine was an entrepreneur before he graduated from high school. The 2021 graduate is the owner of Dirt Works & Property Maintenance and has seen his business get off to a good start, even in the pandemic. Logan says his work ethic came alive at 8-years-old, when he started picking rocks for a local farmer. He spent his early teen years picking up odd jobs and mowing lawns, and that's when his business took off. The snowball effect for Logan resulted in him going from riding his z-machine through downtown Mars Hill, to operating a business with " tractors back hoes excavators and all sorts of equipment to tackle any ground work task”.
Deschaine is very quick to credit his parents in developing him into the person he is today. He says his father stayed on him when he first started, and credits him for setting a good example. Our other two busy bodies also agreed that their parents are the reason they are making their own way.

The High Schoolers:
Carly and Cooper are both still in high school and are involved in extra-curricular activities. Both of these teens go to a job outside of school. Carly is a senior and she began working at Walmart when she knew that she would need money because she was about to get her driver's license. She didn't expect to "love her job as much”, and she is being exposed to many elements of the work environment before she heads to college.
Coper plays on his school's golf team, works part time at a local restaurant, and has started his own pressure washing business. The owner of Mahan's Pressure Washing is hoping to methodically grow his business as he learns more as a young entrepreneur. Cooper's father said that he is "beyond proud of Cooper” and that the work ethic shown by his son is generational. Cooper is still able to see his grandfather going to work at 90-years-old, and he was seen bot of his parents work hard for him and his sisters.
These three teens are only a few of the many exceptional young people I have come across in the last year. Many local stores have some young employees they should be very proud of. The future of Aroostook County is bright!
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