
Is Trump Saying Bigly, or Big League? Here’s the Answer! [VIDEO]
Is Trump Saying Bigly, or Big League? Here’s the Answer! [VIDEO]
Is Trump Saying Bigly, or Big League? Here’s the Answer! [VIDEO]
The most Googled word during the last Presidential debate was "bigly". Some of us thought that The Donald had made up a new word. Did he? Not according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, who defines bigly as, "in a big manner". After much research, I have determined that Trump was in fact saying, "big league"...
Acadia National Park
Acadia National Park
Acadia National Park
2016 marks the centennial anniversary of the National Park Service and our national parks are a great summer family vacation. Fourth graders across the country can get a free park to access the entire park system for a year, part of the Kid in a Park program. Many national parks are offering special programs for kids of all ages.

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