
Barnes & Noble Is Opening 60 New Stores, Is Maine On The List?
Barnes & Noble Is Opening 60 New Stores, Is Maine On The List?
Barnes & Noble Is Opening 60 New Stores, Is Maine On The List?
Thanks to TikTok, books are back! Back in the day, there used to be something so comforting about hanging around a record store, a Blockbuster, or browsing for books, so it is fairly stunning that one of these "old timey" traditions is making a huge comeback...
​Maine Social Media Star Hands Out Lobsters To Strangers In NYC
​Maine Social Media Star Hands Out Lobsters To Strangers In NYC
​Maine Social Media Star Hands Out Lobsters To Strangers In NYC
What happens when you hand out Maine lobsters to random people in Times Square? Not many people know Maine lobster like Jacob Knowles! Maine has a lot of social media stars on TikTok. Chef Adam Libby, and Tatum Talks, but there is another influencer who is "making waves" on several platforms...

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