Why Is This Nightmare-Fuel Creature in Maine, and What Is It?Why Is This Nightmare-Fuel Creature in Maine, and What Is It?I will say that this scary-looking spider stopped me in my tracks when I saw this up in Aroostook County, Maine.Lori VoornasLori Voornas
This Creepy Bug Found in NH Might Be a Long Way From HomeThis Creepy Bug Found in NH Might Be a Long Way From HomeWhat the heck is it!?KiraKira
Maine is Now Home to a Venomous Species of Black Widow SpiderMaine is Now Home to a Venomous Species of Black Widow SpiderMaine is no longer one of the few states in the country without a venomous spider, after a species of black widow was found to be native to the state. JoeyJoey
Forget Nursery Rhymes, Take A Look At This ‘Humpty Dumpty’ Spider Found In MaineForget Nursery Rhymes, Take A Look At This ‘Humpty Dumpty’ Spider Found In MaineIn case you think you've seen everything in Maine, think again. Take a look at this spider with a 'Humpty Dumpty' face on its backJoeyJoey
What the Hell is This and Why is it in Maine?What the Hell is This and Why is it in Maine?This is something that a dude with a thick accent should be telling me to avoid in the jungles of Africa!Lori VoornasLori Voornas