Two of the ‘Most Loathed’ Highways in America Run Through MaineTwo of the ‘Most Loathed’ Highways in America Run Through MaineA recent survey names the 100 most loathed highways throughout the entire country, including a pair of well-traveled roads in Maine.JoeyJoey
Have You Seen the Famous Shoe Tree in Hodgdon, Maine?Have You Seen the Famous Shoe Tree in Hodgdon, Maine?That's right...shoe tree. A tree with shoes in it.Lori VoornasLori Voornas
There are 10 Banks on a Half Mile Stretch in This Maine TownThere are 10 Banks on a Half Mile Stretch in This Maine TownThere are 20 chartered banks in Maine and you can find half of them within a half a mile stretch in one lucky bank town. Lori VoornasLori Voornas