
Real Deal?
Real Deal?
Real Deal?
Ahh, the power of social media! I'm seeing lots of people talking about Spiritual Medium Maureen Hancock across multiple social media sites. Some are excited and believe it is totally legitimate, while others just cannot fathom the thought.
Snow Day Poll
Snow Day Poll
Snow Day Poll
I, like many others, woke up this morning expecting to see an abundance of snow falling from the sky, but sadly, that was not what I saw at all. In fact, there was nothing at all falling from the sky, not even a trace of precipitation, when I awoke this morning.
Snowmobile Hand Signals
Snowmobile Hand Signals
Snowmobile Hand Signals
Snowmobiling has always been a big part of my life, growing up here in the County. I just love it, but I do have one thing that really annoys me about the sport. Curious as to what that is?

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