The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has awarded a total of $1,947,230 in funding to three airports in Maine. The funding was awarded through the Federal Aviation Administration.
Any time there are hints or threats to cuts in the national budget means the amenities that are dear to us may be downsized or, in some cases, come to an end.
Northern Maine Regional Airport leadership and staff launched a major initiative to better position it as the airport of choice for travelers from across the region back in August.
Over the last month, the Northern Maine Regional Airport in Presque has been awarded two separate grants which will assist in the development of a new hangar complex.
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has awarded a total of $7,151,000 in funding to two airports in Maine, with one of those being in Aroostook County.
“So that we may honor the men and women who served at the Presque Isle Army Air Base and those who envisioned an educational purpose for this historic space.”
Those are the words that greet visitors to the new Gallery of Aviation History at Northern Maine Community College.