The University of Maine at Presque Isle will mark 25 years of its Campus Center serving as a hub for student activities, community events, and cultural programs when it hosts a special celebration on Friday, Oct. 6 at 4 p.m. in the MPR. All university and community members are encouraged to attend this free event.
Get ready for some serious laughs! Comedian Bob Marley is coming to Presque Isle later this month as part of the University of Maine at Presque Isle's Homecoming celebration!
Aroostook County - Northern Maine Community College will host Homecoming 2014 activities on Thursday, September 11 and Friday, September 12 on the NMCC campus in Presque Isle. All alumni, friends of the college, and others in the community are invited to take part in the festivities.
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — A transgender student has been crowned homecoming king at a New Hampshire high school.
Concord High School students last weekend gave the title to 17-year-old Ray Ramsey. Ramsey was born a female but has been identifying himself as a male for several years, asking people to call him Ray instead of his birth name of Rachael...