Mars Hill Man Charged with OUI in Early Morning Crash
Maine State Police report speed and alcohol were the cause of an accident early Wednesday morning in E-Plantation.
Police say 24-year-old Bryan Stitham of Mars Hill was traveling north on E-Plantation Road around 6:30 a.m. when he lost control of his 1998 GMC pickup.
Stitham's truck went off the right side of the road and struck a utility pole. Police say the truck snapped the pole in half and continued through a patch of trees where it came to rest. Stitham was apparently not injured.
State Trooper Ryan Kilcollins investigated the crash. Mars Hill Fire Department, Crown Ambulance, Consolidated Communications and Emera Maine also responded to the scene.
Police say Stitham admitted to drinking beer earlier that morning. After a field sobriety test and an Intoxilyzer test, Stitham was charged with Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol and was released on bail.
He is scheduled to appear in Presque Isle District Court on December 5th.