While critics often slam Lady Gaga about her sphere of influence -- suggesting her web popularity has waned or that the scale was thumbed, and that most of her Twitter follows are fake -- she was just anointed the Second Most Influential Icon of the last decade. The accolade came from Time, a credible publication to say the least, via a Face-Off voting bracket.

Mother Monster was up against female political activist Aung San Suu Kyi, who is a democracy advocate in Burma, for the Most Influential Icon title as part of the mag's 10th anniversary of the Time 100 poll. Gaga probably doesn't mind placing second to someone who fights for the rights of others, which is something she does as an entertainer.

Gaga is no stranger to Time honors, as she cleaned house as part of this bracket voting.

She was voted Most Influential Entertainer of the past 10 years, grabbing 92 percent of the vote and eventually beating author J.K. Rowling, who created the 'Harry Potter' series.

In the semis, she went up against President Barack Obama and was ultimately upstreamed to the final round against Aung San Suu Kyi, where she was battling for votes as the Most Influential Public Figure.

While little monsters and their voting practices likely had something to do with the outcome, you can't argue with that dedication, which is a result of her influence and her iconic status.

Watch the Lady Gaga 'Judas' Video

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