Coronavirus Update: Aroostook County, Maine & New Brunswick
MAINE UPDATE: The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports 178 new cases of COVID-19 Monday. There were no deaths in the state.
Maine Gov. Janet Mills is speeding up the timetable for expanding vaccinations by making them available to people 50 and older this Tuesday and to everyone 16 and older on April 19. That's one to two weeks ahead of the previous timeline. Gov. Mills said health officials are working around the clock to get as many people vaccinated as quickly as possible.
NEW BRUSNWICK UPDATE: High school students across New Brunswick will return to full-time, in person classes beginning April 12th. Education Minister Dominic Cardy acknowledged the blended learning model has not been ideal. As long as the province remains in the Yellow or Orange level, Cardy says all students in Grades 9 to 12 will be in the classroom every day. Students and staff will be required to wear a clean face mask, additional spaces will be made available for lunches and breaks and seating plans will be implemented in classrooms and on buses. New Brunswick Public Health says high school teachers are invited to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at clinics this week. Additional vaccination clinics will be available in the coming weeks for staff in elementary and middle schools, early childhood service providers and child care staff.