COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT: Collecting Turkey’s For County Families With Sherry Locke
The giving season is upon us which is a perfect time for the community to get together and gather food, clothes, and toys to help those in the County who are in need.
Our Community Spotlight this week shines a beam on The High-Five Turkey Drive, which takes place in three locations in the County and powered by United Way of Aroostook.
We caught up with Sherry Locke, Executive Director of United Way of Aroostook and she highlighted the goals and locations of the drive.
Locke said,
"It really is a County-wide event. We're doing three days of collecting turkey's for families in need all across Aroostook County."
Locke said that the goal is to collect 1500 turkey's in three days by collecting 500 turkeys at the following locations.
Here are the days, times and places where you can donate turkeys for the drive.
- Houlton - Priority Auto Sales on Wednesday, November 7
- Ft. Kent - John's Shurfine on Thursday, November 8
- Presque Isle - Tweedie's Star City IGA on Friday, November 9
Locke says that after the turkeys are collected, the United Way of Aroostook has scheduled pick-up times with their 14 different agency partners and they will distribute them to the people and families they work within the community.
Locke added,
"What's collected in Houlton, stays in Houlton. What's collected in Ft.Kent stays in that community. What you donate in your hometown goes to your friends and your neighbors."
Whether your a business, individual or another group organization, we hope you come out and donate what you can to help our friends and neighbors in our community have a nice and fulfilling holiday.
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