According to Tri Angle Records founder Robin Carolan, Björk is already working on new music that will “blow you all away.”

For last year’s Vulnicura -- mind-blowing in its own right -- Björk partnered with Arca and Tri Angle’s own the Haxan Cloak to produce the record. Despite other names (particularly men’s names) appearing among Vulnicura’s credits, Carolan is determined to demystify the notion the Icelandic artist isn’t the master of her own art:

Just wanted to get something off my chest, because it’s been irritating me – I’m constantly being asked if Bjork is in charge of her records. Simple answer; yes. She is the boss. 100 percent. She writes, produces, composes, sings. She might bring people in to facilitate her vision, but first and foremost it is HER vision. Guys (and it’s always guys) need to understand this. She needs no one. How much incredible music does one woman have to release until people cut this crap?

At the tail-end of the Instagram post, Carolan reveals Björk is currently working on follow-up material: “And yes, her new material is going to blow you all away.”

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