Beyonce recently gave her first interview since releasing "Formation" and subsequently performing the controversial song at the Super Bowl Half Time show.

In the rare interview, which comes from GARAGE Magazine's Spring/Summer 2016 issue, Queen Bey gives some insight into her family and career. Bey is the most nominated woman in Grammy Awards history and has no doubt accomplished much in her career, but there's one she considers the highest.

"Out of everything I’ve accomplished, my proudest moment hands down was when I gave birth to my daughter Blue," said Beyonce, who also named her mother as her "biggest hero."

"She has taught me about caring for others, working hard and working smart. Everything I know about being a mother comes from the examples she has shown. My mother has instilled confidence in my sister and me and taught us to always be grateful," she said.

Beyonce also gave the BeyHive some homework -- or a book recommendation that'll likely be required reading in order to attend the next Beyonce convention.

“I would love for my younger fans to read What Will It Take to Make a Woman President? by Marianne Schnall," she said. "It’s a collection of interviews and essays by great women, including Maya Angelou, Gloria Steinem, and Melissa Etheridge. They will inspire you to become a better leader.” Noted.

The cover features Mrs. Carter looking fiercely over her shoulders in the Robin Harper photographed moment. The photo was also reimagined through the eyes of Swiss artist Urs Fisher who painted the image's frame. Check it out above.

Download the app for GARAGE Magazine to read the full interview. Also, check out some photos from the rest of the shoot below.

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