Ava DuVernay tackled one of history's most contentious eras as the director of period piece Selma, but for her next project, she's abandoning the fabric of space and time altogether.

DuVernay, who was nominated for the Best Director Academy Award for her work on Selma, will direct Madeleine L’Engle's classic A Wrinkle In Time, according to VarietyJennifer Lee, who wrote and directed Frozen, has been at work penning the adaptation since 2014, and is a huge fan of the 1962 science fiction book and its sequels A Wind in the Door, Many Waters and A Swiftly Tilting Planet.

Jim Whitaker and Catherine Hand will produce the project.

A Wrinkle In Time follows 13-year-old Meg Murry, the daughter of two scientists, who travels through space and time with the help of a group of supernatural creatures to rescue her father from the evil "IT." The book has been frequently challenged and banned for its allusions to sorcery and its stark allusions to religion and the Bible.

The novel was adapted into a made-for-television film that aired in 2004 and starred Katie Stuart, Gregory Smith and David Dorfman. It's also previously been made into plays, graphic novels and even an opera in Philadelphia.

Excited to see A Wrinkle In Time on the big screen? Tell us if you're a fan of the book.

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