I was born in Nova Scotia, and grew up in Canada. Early in my radio career I emigrated to the US, on the 4th of July, and later became a citizen. "I may not have been born here, but I sure love this country" When the opportunity to move to Maine came up, I jumped at the chance. "If you had of told me years ago, that I'd be a neighbor of Stephen King, well who'd have thunk it?" For the record, I don't live very close to Stephen King's house. "I appreciate everyone that listens. I truly am living the dream. Loving what I get to do for a living every day" Meet me at Q-106.5 events and give me a fist bump or a hug. "Best day of my life was recently when a guy came up to me and told me he listened every morning, and then said 'I thought you were about 25 years old. You sound so young on the radio'. "Yea, radio will do that for ya." Thanks for listening!
Scott Miller
Mainers Are the Most Patient Black Friday Shoppers in USA
Another salute to Mainers, named the most patient holiday shoppers in the country. Smile, it's Black Friday.
Thanksgiving Food You Can (and Can’t) Take Thru TSA & On A Plane
There are items on the okay, and also on the no way list of Thanksgiving food that may surprise you, if you are flying for the holiday.
6 Days in Maine. Busy? Ayuh!
From the day before Thanksgiving to Giving Tuesday the following week, here are 6 busy days coming up.
Flying From BGR for Thanksgiving: Do’s & Don’ts
Couple of tips for flying this week, or anytime.
Good News for Veterans Who Need Food for Thanksgiving Dinner
All you'll need for a Thanksgiving dinner at home, available for Vets to pick up from Maine Veterans Project office.
Gardens Aglow Holiday Lights Opens This Saturday in Boothbay
Last year it was ranked Top 10 in the Country for Holiday lights in the gardens
Sock Drive in Belfast-But Not Just Another Sock Drive
They collected 8,000 pairs last year in only the 3rd year. The socks are donated to local schools and charities, and collected by America's oldest shoe store.
How Far Do Mainers Travel For Mom’s Thanksgiving Cooking
Road Trip for Thanksgiving? How far do you drive, compared to the rest of the country?
Blue Hill Peninsula Christmas Angels Program Underway
Families in need must be registered by this Saturday the 18th. And the search is on for Christmas Angels to provide warm winter coats for the program
A Statistic That Maine Is Happy to Not Be Number One In
Latest rankings of most overweight and obese states in America.