It's that time of year once again when you're coughing and sneezing uncontrollably. Not fun!


My little one has been sick this past week. It started out with lots of sneezing fits, then a runny nose, and now it's turned in to a full flown cold. It's no fun when you or your kids get sick, because for the most part, you have to let it runs its course.

I'm a firm believer in home remedies though, to help speed up the process.

That's why this week's Top 5 is dedicated to the Top 5 cold and flu remedies, courtesy of Pinterest.

  •  Drinking Echinacea tea helps reduce Cold and Flu symptoms. Mix about 15-20 drops of Echinacea tincture in warm water. It helps the body produce chemicals that fight infections and boosts the immune system.
  • One tablespoon of warm honey and a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon powder mixed together is useful in improving the immune system and fighting the infection.
  • Mix warm water with a drop of tea tree oil and lemon juice. Simply gargle with these lukewarm solutions few times in a day.
  • Mix 5-6 chopped garlic cloves and a little bit of cayenne pepper in half a cup of honey and leave the mixture for about an hour. Take one teaspoon of this mixture on a regular basis.
  • Inhaling fumes of warm water mixed with a few drops of eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, lavender oil and thyme oil is one of the most valuable natural home remedies for Cold and Flu. It helps loosen thick mucus.

Now these are only a few of the options out there, but I hope that you have found them helpful! Read more home remedies here.

What are you cold and flu remedies? Tell us on Facebook!

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