maine wildlife

Bald Eagle sighting in Northern Maine!
Bald Eagle sighting in Northern Maine!
Bald Eagle sighting in Northern Maine!
Here is a gallery of images I was able to take on Monday night. I was on my way home when I came upon a bald eagle getting ready to eat. Amazing!
Hero in Bangor Untangles Four Baby Squirrels! [VIDEO]
Hero in Bangor Untangles Four Baby Squirrels! [VIDEO]
Hero in Bangor Untangles Four Baby Squirrels! [VIDEO]
According to WCSH, Andrew Day from Bangor came across a knot of 4 baby squirrels outside of his parents' house. He gathered up the babies and got them to a safe place while his mom, Kathy called the Game Wardens. If you've ever had to get a knot out of a necklace this video will break your heart. Oh ...