
Happy in Maine?
Happy in Maine?
Happy in Maine?
WalletHub.com researched how happy each state is in the country. Their study used 25 metrics ranging from emotional health to income levels to sports participation rates.
Caribou Makes the List
Caribou Makes the List
Caribou Makes the List
What makes you happy? Your spouse and children? Maybe, giving back to your community or those less fortunate? The career advice blog Zippia has recently done a post about the happiest places in Maine. They looked at 28 cities and towns in Maine and they based their rankings on the criteria of employment rates, percentage of married adults,home ownership, education, short work commute, low cost of
Happy Dancers
Happy Dancers
Happy Dancers
A whole bunch of 'Happy' people from six New Brunswick Community College campuses show off their moves in this dance video to Pharrell Williams' hit song.