If ever Stranger Things gets around to a video game bridging Season 1 and a prospective Season 2, they’ve got a lot to live up to. Enter the Stephen King-inspired world for yourself, as a new 360-degree interactive video lets you relive one of the season’s scariest scenes, and subsequently stay up for days on end!

Netflix released a new interactive recreation of one of Stranger Things’ most iconic scenes as Joyce Byers (Winona Ryder) attempts to communicate with her son Will in “Upside-Down,” setting off all manner of flickering lights and household scares. You might recall the control scheme from Game of Thronesown interactive credits sequence, but … well, let’s just say Westeros didn’t offer quite so many jump-scares.

Assuming you’ve recovered, let’s watch those precocious child actors get the bejeezus scared out of them!

Ah, sweet revenge. In any case, it’s worth replaying the experience a few times, if only to catch some of the hidden details you might have missed the first time around. In the meantime, we’ll just patiently await that Season 2 order.

All episodes of Stranger Things are available to stream on Netflix.

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