There are many talented artists across Maine and New Brunswick, producing their own flavors of music.  One artist who has risen to international acclaim is Perth-Andover native Matt Andersen, with a fired-up blues style true to his small-town roots.

Matt’s grandfather played the fiddle, his mom played piano and he grew up surrounded by a bunch of cousins that played guitar.  He picked up the guitar himself at age 14, which led to playing in bands in Western New Brunswick that covered classic rock and Top 40.  That all changed when he discovered the blues.

Matt says, “What really hit me most about the blues was its total honesty.” He immersed himself in the blues, from Eric Clapton, to B.B. King, Chicago electric blues, and ultimately to the Mississippi Delta style.

Since his debut album “One Size Never Fits” in 2002, Matt has stormed across the continent, winning fans and garnering awards for his exhilarating music. He’s done shows with Randy Bachman, Bo Diddley, Little Feat, America, Loverboy, April Wine, and many others.   You can hear him as he makes regular appearances on the “East Coast Countdown” heard on Q96.1, Saturday mornings at 7:00EST and Sunday afternoons at 4:00EST.

Follow Matt Andersen online here.

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